Have you ever been wronged by someone so greatly that you hope they suffer eternally? That they themselves will hurt as much as they've hurt you? That desire for revenge in the face of helplessness is a very human, universal concept. In many prominent religions and cultures, it is a core belief that those who have committed evils will suffer for them in death even if they did not suffer for them in life. In fact, this was the reason Christianity was so attractive to early pagan converts; common people and serfs felt powerless against those who cruelly lorded over them and taxed them so heavily. The idea that those who wronged them would not get away with it despite a system that was rigged in the favor of their oppressors offered people solace in the times of strife that were the Dark Ages.
Even today as our world gets less and less religious, the idea that those who commit awful acts will get what’s coming to them is a popular one. Most famously is the term “karma," the Buddhist principle of the sum of a person’s existences that determine what their next reincarnation will be. However, in the Western world karma is popularly used to describe the phenomenon of the universe’s natural inclination to punish evil and reward good.
Karma is also a common theme in popular culture, even dating back to the 17th century. In Measure For Measure by Shakespeare, Angelo, the deputy to the Duke, abuses his power for his own benefit. A young nun in training, Isabella, approaches
Fate Files by Dennis S. Gribben perfectly illustrates this universal desire for karma. The sense of judgement after death that initially inspired many early Christians to convert rears it’s head in Fate Files in the form of an office building in which recently deceased are sent into meetings to discuss their crimes and their ultimate fate as determined by the sum of their sins. Fate Files is an intriguing tale of life after death, of revenge, of satisfaction and misery. Come see Fate Files on 7/14, 7/16, 7/20, and 7/22 for an emotional rollercoaster that will have you on the edge of your seat.
FATE FILES By Dennis S. Gribben
Bill wakes up in what looks like to be his office, only to find Gabe, a former friend who passed away in a mysterious shooting. Bill finds out he’s dead and Gabe will judge him on whether he will go to Heaven or Hell.
Friday, July 14th at 7pm
Sunday, July 16th at 5pm
Thursday, July 20th at 9pm
Saturdayk July 22nd at 7pm
Sunday, July 16th at 5pm
Thursday, July 20th at 9pm
Saturdayk July 22nd at 7pm
Tickets: $25 Online, $27 at the Box Office
Premium Seats: $30 Online, $35 at the Box Office
Premium Seats: $30 Online, $35 at the Box Office
At the Theatre at St. Clement's
423 West 46th Street, NYC
Between 9th & 10th Avenue
423 West 46th Street, NYC
Between 9th & 10th Avenue
For tickets, click here.
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