FRAGILE HEROES by Joseph Lizardi
Directed by Rob Hunkele
Directed by Rob Hunkele
Time: Early 70’s, at the height of the Vietnam War.
Place: A make-shift hospital in Vietnam. An old and decrepit ward in the hospital.
Place: A make-shift hospital in Vietnam. An old and decrepit ward in the hospital.
Characters In
Order Of Appearance
Counselor.............................Christopher C.
Corporal Jensen...................Ruben
St. Vilus
The Nurse/Secretary.............Ashley Foy
Lieutenant Adams................Drew
Who’s Who
Ashley Foy (The Nurse/Secretary) wishes to thank her family and friends for all of their support and for the opportunity to work with this fabulous cast!

The Strawberry
One-Act Festival May 16, 2018 – May 27, 2018
At Theatre 54 @ Shetler Studios244 West 54th Street, 12th Floor, NYC
Between Broadway & 8th Avenue
Trains: B,D or E to 7th Avenue. #1 train to 50th Street.
D: Sat, May 19th @ 3:30pm
& Sun, May 20th @ 1pm
by Ian Eaton
After a tragic blow to his family, a young boy must determine if he should deal with a bully the easy way or the hard way.
After a tragic blow to his family, a young boy must determine if he should deal with a bully the easy way or the hard way.
TRUTH by Victor Vauban Jr.
Human beings are in constant pursuit of happiness, acceptance, guidance and above all, love. It couldn’t be different for Martin, a young African-American man who never had access in some commodities many take for granted. The pursuit of his truth will lead him down unpredictable paths when he finds himself running with the big dogs.
Human beings are in constant pursuit of happiness, acceptance, guidance and above all, love. It couldn’t be different for Martin, a young African-American man who never had access in some commodities many take for granted. The pursuit of his truth will lead him down unpredictable paths when he finds himself running with the big dogs.
FRAGILE HEROES By Joseph Lizardi
Two young Marines, one badly wounded, and a young nurse taking care of them, try desperately to understand their role in a war, (Vietnam War) that is destroying their young lives and faith in their government's handling of it.
Two young Marines, one badly wounded, and a young nurse taking care of them, try desperately to understand their role in a war, (Vietnam War) that is destroying their young lives and faith in their government's handling of it.
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